Family-owned business leaders, who are responsible for nearly 70% of our GDP, face a unique set of challenges as they plan for future generations. Financial and legal expertise alone is necessary, but it is NOT sufficient. A holistic approach—one that combines multidisciplinary...
The Evolving Role of Family Offices
The goal of every family office is the same—to serve the financial and capital needs of current and future generations. However, the process is changing. We will always require attorneys and wealth advisors to “stay in their swim lanes” and...
Recently, I attended the Purposeful Planning Institute’s 2023 conference with 240 people from over 20 disciplines. Most were wealth advisors, estate attorneys and business psychologists (like me). All struggled to answer the question, “What is family capital?”
Those of us who work as advisors for leaders in a family business-- wealth advisors, attorneys, and business psychologists-- know that advising is a complex and rewarding process. Family systems are always complex. I think we have an obligation to serve those systems.
As an...
Recently, we joined the Disruptive Successor Show, a podcast for next-generation leaders in family businesses and entrepreneurs who are determined to disrupt the status quo. In this episode, our co-founder Doug Gray, Ph.D. explored effective tools designed to support leadership development...
Last week I had lunch with a G4 leader who said, “I want to thank you for being one of my mentors.” Then she spent an hour updating me on the sale of a commercial property, her siblings and parents, and her excitement about the next phase of their business. In short,...
The field of psychology is only 100 years old, and the field of Positive Psychology is about 25 years old. In 1998, executives at the American Psychological Association, led by Martin Seligman, realized they had a problem. Over 60% of the research to date focused on negative topics, like anxiety,...
Part 1: How Do Individuals Fit into the World, the Society, and the Family Enterprise?
The field of social psychology is driven by one fundamental question: "How does each individual fit into the world, society, team, or family enterprise?" The same question is also the focus of...
As a family business leader, you're probably curious about what traits you need to excel in your role. There are many opinions on this topic, but a recent project provides some concrete answers.
Kent Rhodes and Doug Gray, Ph.D. developed and validated a 360 assessment process...